North Myrtle Beach Custom Clothing & Accessories

where fun and flair meet sophistication

Kokobeenz | North Myrtle Beach Custom Clothing

Kokobeenz Mission

To help our clients to customize and design that one-of-kind piece that has all the details and style that she hand-picked to make her look and feel her best on that special day.

Kokobeenz promise to produce your clothing with the highest quality fibers, yarns and trimmings including that one special ingredient, your unique style inspired by your true aesthetics. Finally presenting to you a master piece that you will love over and over again.

KokoBeenz Vision

To make every woman feel their best by giving her the opportunity to design clothing that suits her style and aesthetics giving her a sense of self.
Kokobeenz promise to continually support and build women through their style while giving her the confidence she needs to strive in the spot light and enjoy all eyes on her every time she steps up and step out.

Kokobeenz | North Myrtle Beach Custom Clothing

Book Appointment

Book a consultation with us, let us discuss your future plans for that special piece or accessory that you have in mind. We are here for you. Send us a message now!

Custom Clothing & Accessories